[Gpdd] Behavior: Re: Fighting Piggies

Mcneil, Leah CIV N81-BRANCH leah.mcneil at navy.mil
Mon Nov 7 16:56:24 EST 2005

Hey Aileen,
I was wondering if you had gotten
Bert and Rapunzel together yet?
Well, if you haven't, don't be discouraged.
Sometimes, piggies need more time to
adjust to each other. Trust me, I know
from experience. It took me a little over
2 months (yes, 2 months!) to bond my
Sassy Brownie Bear and Silly Butterscotch.

B-Bear had been a single-pig for almost 3
years, and she wasn't about to give up the
Top Pig position for nothin'! Well, B'scotch
wasn't interested in being Top Pig...he just
wanted to Get his GROOVE on, if you know
whatta mean. ha ha!

Well, maybe you could try scrubbing the big
cage down again to remove all previous
scents. Of course, that didn't work for me...Sigh!
What I ended up doing in the end--is buying a
brand new 4x2 C&C cage in a different color,
and then wah...lah! They were bonded. I don't
know for sure if it was the new cage that did it,
but I didn't care. I just wanted them to be
together, ya know.

Hope this helps!

      Love 'n Wheeeeeeeeeps,
         Leah...Slave to Brownie Bear &
                                     Butterscotch :-)

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