[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Felicity

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Thu Nov 24 21:04:32 EST 2005

Kay, it was with much sadness that we read of Felicity's passing.  Yes, she 
definitely had the right name, and we know she was so happy to share her 
life with you.  How amazing that you were able to nurse her back to health 
when she had lost a third of her body weight.  Please know that you did all 
the best for her, including helping her to the Bridge when it was her 
time.  We, too, have seen a piggie lose that special sparkle of life.  You 
are right that she was ready to make her final journey.  We send our 
belated condolences on Felicity's passing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their humans.

Cindy, Sunshine, and Tumbleweed

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