[Gpdd] (no subject)

picasso.massed at verizon.net picasso.massed at verizon.net
Thu Oct 6 10:00:39 EDT 2005

Dear Fellow slaves,
I only have a minute, so this will be brief. ?Phera has been out of sorts all
morning and I am concerned. ?She usually pop corns when I greet her and Roxie
in the morning and wheeks when they get vegetables. ?This morning she did not
want to get out of her sleeping bag. ?She is still mopey and hardly eating. ?I
bring them to work with me every day, so I can keep an eye on her. ?The only
food she ate that was new (yesterday)was string beans, are they OK?
Last year I used a warmer in the carrier when I took them back and forth in the
winter. ?The warmer is one of those cloth ones filled with corn for sore
muscles. ?I just bought a new type from the pet store that looks like a frisbee
and is meant for animals. ?Does anyone know about those and whether they are
good? Of course my husband thinks I should just use the old one and I wasted
money. ?He is also worried about the plastic.
I have to run, my students are arriving,

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