[Gpdd] [Care] kids wheeking and butt messes

Lisa B cavylover74 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 10 14:19:47 EDT 2005

I had to laugh to myself when I read that your son makes wheeking noises.  My son who is going to be 6, wheeks and makes those little noises and you would swear it sounds just like a guinea pig.  It is so funny.  The things kids do sometimes.
One of my sows, have longer hair in the rear-end that I have to always comb and trim otherwise, it gets all matted.  Haven't really came across anything to prevent it except the trimmings.  She is one of those pigs that goes else where to go potty instead of going where she sits or sleeps.
Wheeks to all,
Lisa and the Guinea Girls and the lonely boar, Flint (wonders when he'll be able to live with his girlfriends)

The "pigs" say, "Have a Wheeking Good Day!"

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