[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Scamper

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Mon Jan 2 23:29:45 EST 2006

Katie, we are so very saddened to hear that Scamper passed to the 
Bridge.  We know it was a comfort to her, though, that she made her final 
journey from the safety of your arms.  Although piggies are never with us 
long enough, her six and a half years were a very good lifespan for a 
piggie.  She obviously thrived under your excellent care.  Yes, we are sure 
you will one day be reunited with Scamper on the other side.  Please accept 
our condolences on your loss.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their humans.

Cindy, Sunshine, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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