[Gpdd] [CARE] Piggies and birds

Dr Kay Dudman kay.dudman at londonmet.ac.uk
Mon Jan 16 15:37:47 EST 2006

Dear Janneke

I think you are right to have the piggies and bird have separate exercise
time.  Birds could be seen as predators by the piggies (as birds of prey
would certainly swoop on one if they had the chance).  Seeing a bird
fly over them might alarm the piggies.  Also, there could be a health
risk for the piggies from the bird droppings, so I would advise keeping
them separately if you can.

I smiled when I saw that the birdy wanted some chicory because the piggies
were having some.  It reminded me that (many years ago) my dog was
sitting watching me eat an orange with that "oh, please" look in her
eyes.  She wouldn't believe me when I told her she wouldn't like it, so I
gave her a segment.  The look on her face....I could tell she was
thinking "Well, I can't spit it out as I've been asking for a piece, so
now what do I do with it?  I know...!"  and I followed her as she carried
it in to another room where she then spat it out.  Thinking that it might
be seen, she decided to camouflage the orange segment by rolling on
it...that'll make it disappear into the carpet!  Sorry, Josie, I saw it all!

Apologies, I know this is a bit off-topic, but I thought other digesters
might like to hear it!


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