[Gpdd] Misc. humiliated slave and addict

Birdie Horn birdlonglegs at yahoo.com
Mon May 22 22:03:01 EDT 2006

  My name is Birdie and I'm a gp
  slave and addict. 
  Tonight I was thoroughly 
  humiliated by Miss Perky. I admit
  I have been a bad slave and not 
  taken out the masters outside 
  since Thrusday night. I got to see
  my great neice this weekend so
  Friday and Saturday was filled with
  family, my neice and baby and baby's
  dad was up from Huston and had 
  driven up and also my nephew was
  home from Iraq, so I spent most of 
  Sunday sleeping and recovering from
  the late hours of visisting and picture 
  taking. Today was beautiful here and
  I took the time to spend outside with 
  crew. After 5 hours I desided it was time
  to go back inside to rest and get ready 
  for tomorrow. Well Spunky just resigned 
  himself to being picked and Jimmy Jr. 
  gave a little bit of a chase but nothing 
  major. Then it came to the girls. I'm running 
  around a shrub then a bush, then they 
  under the open stairs. Well Miss Pooky 
  desided to run for the fence and I finally 
  caught her. So now I have three in and one
  to go. Miss Perky must had decided that
  she wasn't ready to go inside yet. I would 
  up chasing her around for a half an hour. 
  Back and forth around the scrub, beside
  the bush, under the stairs, accross the yard
  over to the fence, back to the scrub and 
  so it went. Finally I had to inlist one of the 
  neighbor children to catch her. We chased
  her for another 5 or 10 mins before I caught
  her. How can a 46 year old woman lose 
  contol of a gp that is less than a year old, 
  weighs 1lb. and 14 oz and be totally 
  humiliated by her. Let me tell ya is was 
  easy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 
  Birdie humiliated slave and gp addict 
  to Spunky, Jimmy Jr., a naughty Miss
  Perky and Miss Pooky

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