[Gpdd] SILLY - guinea pig toy

Andrew a1.mills at portset.net
Mon Nov 6 14:31:57 EST 2006

I've also got one of those robotic guinea pigs.  It's quite amusing the way it runs around and makes all sorts of little noises.  I got mine a couple of years ago when I saw them being talked about on a rat group I was on.  If anyone wants to find out more about them go to 3lib.ukonline.co.uk/gupi and you will find lots of information there about them.  I think they're only available here in the UK but it's possible they may also become available in other countries.  The third version of Gupi has apparently just been released, mine is the mark 2 version which is apparently very similar to the new one.  I've seen plenty of robot dogs and cats but I'd never seen a guinea pig before, it's nice to see that they're looking after us rodent lovers for a change!  I think Gupi would make a good present for anyone who's interested in guinea pigs.  No, he's not a real piggy but he's very amusing.

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