[Gpdd] HEALTH - Eurologist

Janelle Smith janelle300 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 26 22:19:13 EDT 2006

Hi Janneke,  I finally did a search for Eurologist, for bladder stones, and 
the herb sounds great!  They claim that it dissolves stones up to 1 cm in 
diameter.  They also say it has strong antibacterial properties and should 
there be cystitis, it can be treated without the use of antibiotics.

It says to use Lysium for stones that are larger than 1 cm in diameter.  I 
like that they mention guinea pigs and other pets.  I'm going to order some 
of this.

I have never found much info about Shilintong.  Most people say it works by 
relaxing the urethra so the stone(s) can pass.  But with my 2 female pigs', 
it actually dissolved the stones.  I can't say which herb is better.

And yes, the Shilintong is cheaper.  What does your Vet think about 
Eurologist or Lysium?

I sure wish that Peter Gurney was still here so we could ask him!!!!!

I hope Lotje is feeling better soon.  My Pepper has a UTI, also.  She is on 
meds but really crying when she pees.  I hope it is just a UTI and not 
another bladder stone.  My Vet wants to wait and see if the medicine fixes 
the problem before she does and x-ray.  Pepper won't sit still so she has to 
put her under a little so she can get a clear x-ray.  Pepper is 4 1/2 years 
old and you should never put a gp under unless it's really necessary.  I'm 
afraid that they won't wake up!

Warm wheeks,


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