[Gpdd] Bridge: Re. My Butterscotch is gone :-(

Stacy Harvey ckrtsqrl2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 8 16:04:52 EDT 2007

Oh, Leah, I am SO sorry to hear about Butterscotch...and so soon after Brownie Bear. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You did the right thing by Butterscotch, but I know how hard it is to have to decide. I agonized for days about helping Geronimo across the Bridge, and it was right after Jasper died so I know how heartbroken you must be. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we will light 3 candles tonight-1 for Brownie Bear, 1 for Butterscotch, and 1 for all the other precious piggies who have gone to the Bridge.
  Stacy and the shocked and saddened Squee Squad

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