[Gpdd] Behaviour:New little guinea pig

ang bret pigs_can_flee at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 27 10:01:40 EST 2007

I gues I haven't been online for a while. I've been busy, and quite frankly I prefer to spend what free time I do have with my guinea pig instead of reading about them. I wish I had time to do both. (I don't mean to sound rude. Do I?). This christmas I received a hamster cage. I had no intrest in a hamster. My father new this, but had bought the cage  secoundhand anyways to temporaroly keep a small, young guinea pig in, so that we didn't have to just plop the poor guy in with Chuckie, our first guinea pig. I couldn't wait to get him so boxing day found me, my aunt, and my grandmother among with the other thousands of boxing day bargain hunters. After an hour of shopping, I had decided that we where done, and it was therefore time to get to the pet store! Now, our mall pêt store is a horrid place. Too many guinea pigs and too little space. Their cages had wood chips at the bottom (cedar, judging form the wood also at the bottom of the carrying case I was given to get the poor guy home in.), no place for the guinea pigs to hide if frightened, aside from a small tube that only the smallest could fit it, and the water had all sorts of wood chips and other un-fun stuff. At that point, there was 3 male guinea pigs left in there. I had had me heart set on an abbysan (or as the pet store called them 'Longhaired'), but the only one was as big as Chukie, meaning he wouldn't of had the 'It's only a poor, cute little baby, he doesn't pose a treat. Here, take my lettuce' factore that a smaler one would have for Chuckie. So that left two shorthaired ones. I'm a sucker for colourful ones.
I chose a beautiful-er, handsome, little tricolour, who was also the smallest, and the most fearful. I don't think that the others where picking on him, though...So, I picked him up. Actually, first the attendant had to pick uo the tube he was in a bang (Uh-oh) so pull him out. I wasn't too pleased about this. Any ways, when I got him, I qwickly checked him for lice, but I didn't see any. I did notice that he had the most sofestest fur I'd ever felt. While talking to the attendant, she told my one of the two boars might need to be neutured. Is this true? I don't picture Chuckie as the dominant type (And his litter mates didn't, judging by his ear.) ,and I really don't see a problem if it's a little baby! Chuckie is the most affectiante guinea pig, andloves the give me little 'kisses'. Heck, once I had used cucbers on my eyes, and Chuckie had no problem licking my eyelids that tasted a bit like cucumber!
It turns out my shopping buddies where not ready to leave, so I had to cart the poor guy around to 2 more stores. Luckily, they where quiet ones. Finally I got him home, and put him in his cage. I wish I didn't have to put his cage in my room with Chuckie's cage close by. But it's the holidays, and vitualy EVERY room in our house has SOMEONE sleeping in it. 
I put him in his cage, witch was prepared earlier that day. He sat hunched up in a corner, while a poked lettuce into his cage. After a coupla hours, he still hand'nt touched it, so I wondered if he knew to eat the lettuce. I cut and orange, witch I had seen him eating in the pet store for him, but it was also untouched, it seemed. For the longest while, it seemed like he hadn't even moved. But I cheked on him and found him in a slightly diffrent place then last time, and a little pile of feces, meaning he had eaten something. How much does a young guinea pig, about 1 month old, eat?
This morning I woke up and looked into his cage to see him moving around, and sniffing things out. I moved and he instantly froze. I took Chuckie out for 15 minutes to given the little guy a chance to be 100% alone. But as I passed his cage Chuckie tried to see more of the new guinea pig (who I'll refer to as Nemo for now), so I brought Chuckie to the cage. I felt his heart beating fast, and Chuckie made this sound I had never heard him make before. I thought maybe he was scared of the Nemo, but he didn't want to leave! Finally I had to take him away, but Chuckie was not pleased.
When I took Chuckie back, I saw Nemo looking around, exploring his cage. Then he noticed me, and froze again.
So I think he's getting used to his new evironment, a bit. How soon should I REALLY introduce him to Chuckie?
And what do you guys think of naming him Nemo?
-Love and happy holidays, and peace, and joy, and all that other good stuff from,
Linn, slave to Chuckie and Nemo 
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