[Gpdd] [BRIDGE] Condolences for Chester

Dr Kay Dudman kay.dudman at londonmet.ac.uk
Sun Dec 30 09:26:35 EST 2007

Dear Alge

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost Chester, he was one of the chief
piggies of the Digest.  Please don't think that you made a mistake; you did
the right thing to help him to the Bridge when you did.  Piggies can't take
too much acid (vitamin C is ascorbic acid), so if you had found the vitamin
C I don't think it would have made any difference.  Although it is
water-soluble, the body still has to process it, and it doesn't sound as
though another dose of vitamin C would have been what was needed to restore
Chester to health again.  He knew how much you loved him, and that you would
always do what was best for him, and you did, however hard it was for you.
All we can do is what is best for our piggies, and that is what you did.  He
was happy being a Jolly Rodent, and will live on forever in our memories of
him.  Give Charlie an extra cuddle, and one from me too.

Take care,


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