[Gpdd] [SILLY]< more calendar spam>

Janneke Staaks jannekestaaks at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 11 08:01:27 EST 2007

Hi all,
sorry to bother you guys again with the calendar,(if you're not interested 
just scroll down to the next message ;-) ) but i had an email from someone 
that megaupload didn't work (it did for my sister). Maybe some of you were 
having the same problem so here are my solutions:

How to handle megaupload:
After typing in the code, you click download. Then a grey small box appears 
in about the same location with a countdown. When the countdown finishes 
there appears a box with 'download' click this button and there will appear 
a welll known grey box with the question if you want to open or save the 
file. if you look in your magauploadscreen after clicking this you can see 
that it's first loading and next downloading (it might take a while, my file 
is not small and it also depends on your internet connection)

If that doesn't work, email for direct version:
I cut up my document and can send it in three piece with my gmail account 
(guinygirl at gmail.com). If any of you want a direct email with the calendar, 
just mail me ;-) (hotmail or gmail, doesn't matter) and let me know if you 
want the pdf or word version.
You need a lot of emailspace though, so make sure your inbox is not too 
full. (pdf is in total about 20 mb and per email its between 8 and 5 mb, 
word is in total about 14 mb per email between 7 mb and less than 1 mb)

okay, hope you have more fun reading the next message ;-)

Windows Live Mail: Kies je eigen kleur, indeling en contacten! 

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