[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Popcorn

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Fri Jun 22 17:52:22 EDT 2007

Debbie, it is quite a tribute to Popcorn that he had the sage counsel and excellent listening skills of a Winston Churchill.  We believe that the memory of your chats with him with live on and continue to comfort you at this difficult time.  He was obviously a special piggie, and we know that you enriched his life as much as he enriched yours.  What a lucky boy Popcorn was to be so loved.  We are so very sorry that he had leukemia and had to make his final journey, but how wonderful that he had reached the age of six and a half and that he left this world from the safety of your arms.  Yes, we are sure he was reunited with Fluffy and greeted by many new friends as well.  Please accept our condolences on his passing.  (P.S. You, your mother, and daughter are in our prayers.)

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their families.

Cindy, Sunshine, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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