[Gpdd] silly; message from Fugly

bubblecuddle at aol.co.uk bubblecuddle at aol.co.uk
Sun Oct 14 16:45:09 EDT 2007

Igor you are lucky my?mummy puts all her washing on a dryer which is toooo high for me to reach.

btw I was born in December 2006 so we are pretty much the same age.

With regard to your homing skills what you need to do is when they let you out you run in circles round where your cage is once you have learned that route you make the circle bigger and bigger until you can run into different rooms and still know your way back (I agree play it casual with the girls act like you really love being out and about and they will never know you are lost)

Hey Lady Bug I havent heard from you for a while, have you woken up from big clean house sleep yet???

mummy got me a new bottle today as mine was leaking, in about 3 hours it had completely emptied all over my cage floor (I really had nothing to do with it)
my new bottle is completely different it has a great big bracket type thing to connect it to the cage (instead of that bendy metal/plastic thing) but the really weird thing is this floating yellow duck that shows mummy when it needs filling. (she says she just hopes this one lasts as I broke the 1st two I had and the 3rd one leaked, all this in 8 months)

As its nearly Halloween I have been practising scaring Daddy, mummy gave me beetroot for dinner and when daddy went past I looked up at him and he thought I had hurt myself coz of the pink colour all round my mouth (he was very sweet and concerned until mummy told him what I had for dinner) so for Halloween I need a black cape, a beetroot dinner and I will be a vampire. (evil chuckle)

Gotta go take care both of you


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