[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Jan the Boar

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Sat Sep 8 18:42:50 EDT 2007

Janneke, Suus, Yaya, Guiny, Lotje and Dunya, we had been reading about Jan and hoping he would get well, and we were so saddened to read your posting that your vet was helping him to the Rainbow Bridge.  We are so very sorry that you weren't able to be with him, but it was very thoughtful of your vet to give him a cuddle as he made his final journey.  Please know that you made all of Jan's days happy ones; how lucky he was that your mom discovered him at the petstore in Germany.  He obviously knew how much he was loved, too.  It was so sweet to hear of his last smile as he relaxed in your arms.  How sweet also that he always let his ladies have the first bite of food or the first look at a new basket.  His photos are beautiful.  What silky fur and such an adorable face.  Please accept our condolences on his passing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their families.

Cindy, Sunshine, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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