[Gpdd] Rainbow Bridge - re. Lotje

Suzy Dünser suzy at dunser.com
Wed Apr 9 22:00:12 EDT 2008

Hi Mieke and Erwin,

I was very frustrated to realise I never got the digest where you  
wrote about Lotje - I only heard she'd gone to the bridge from the  
posts in reply... please add my condolences for your loss.

You were so lucky to have such a personable little piggie, and I know  
that must make it even harder that she's gone. I don't know exactly  
what happened, but I do know she had a lovely life until then, and  
that's what we're all trying to provide for our little guys and girls.  
I hope your memories of her sweet nature will help you through this  
tough time.

Hugs and wheeks from Suzy and Rocky, and extra nose rubs (or whatever  
they like!) for Guiny and Dunya,
and Cocoa, so happy to meet the lovely Lotje at the Bridge!

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