[Gpdd] [HEALTH] clumpy poops

hypnotic95 at aol.com hypnotic95 at aol.com
Sun Mar 30 16:53:07 EDT 2008

Hi I just recently wrote my pancake who is doing better thank you. But We  
have noticed that our waffles has been having clumpy poops.  At first I  thought 
his poops were mussy and he likes to do business in the same place so  they 
clumped together. However we only notice it maybe once a week until last  
night. Waffles was out running around during his play time and I noticed his  butt 
looked funny. I pointed it out to my husband and we realized he actually  
poops out these clumpy poops.  They are pretty big, It's almost like 8  nomal 
poops stuck together.  When you look in his cage he has alot of  normal poops too. 
What could be causing this? and is there anything to worry  about.  It's just 
odd becasue he just started doing this. Just wondering if  he needs to visit 
the vet...
Thanks for the help
Kelly with the crew  (pancake, waffles, and  gunner.)

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