[Gpdd] MISC Piggy life span

Penny Charlesworth piggyfriends at tesco.net
Wed Jun 10 17:34:30 EDT 2009

The oldest piggy that I have ever met belonged to my Rodentologists.

Maisie was left at their hospital as a hospice case many years ago. Not only did she survive her original illness but she went on to achieve her 10th. birthday. She had a heart condition but could not have been in a better place for immediate treatment.

I was told that a piggy at the CCT ( cavy hospital in England ) also lived to be ten. I think that her name was Floribunda.

I have been lucky enough to have several piggies make it to their seventh birthday and beyond and have cared for many whose age I never knew but I think that anything past ten must be really exceptional.

I wish that they could all live to be fifteen. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Penny and the Piggyfriends.


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