[Gpdd] MISC: This and that

warmbreath at comcast.net warmbreath at comcast.net
Thu Oct 1 21:59:38 EDT 2009

It just turned colder here too, a month late. I have had lady pigs that act 
like your Sam, Is she the boss pig, the leader of the girls.  Lady Sows dont 
have periods, but they have some kind of cycle I'm convinced, where 
periodically they act a little hormonal. Maybe it take those hormones to be 
a leader. I remember back when I first started the Penny Giggles. The first 
2 were a pair named Bill and Hillary.  Bill flamed out early after a life of 
debauchery, Hillary however, lived a very long life and every second of it 
was as the boss pig. The girls all lived in a early model C & C cage, and if 
they thought they seriously deserved more veggies of anything they would 
break out, always Hillary in the lead, and the exact same line up of sows 
behind her every time, nose to butt, until I spied them, then the line would 
explode into reverse and run for the fort. But I knew I better break out the 
veggies or I would have a full scale mutiny,  hmmmm.... note to Capt'n Jack, 
keep sows fed!
Sandy and Shipwreck Sam   Missing all those Penny Giggles so long ago, esp, 
Wild Wooly Willy, Jetma, Feebeep, Square-Ed, Mystic Lady's Baby, Elizabeth, 
Gooters, Sonny (Son of Wookie), Peter and Pedro, Jack, Brown Noise, LBP 
(lil' Brown Pig, Chuckie, Oh! I could go on and on, the rainbow bridge must 
be a truly happy place. 

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