[Gpdd] OT: Selena and her Dad's surgery

Julie Juwles Johnson juwles at bigpond.com
Sun Oct 25 09:49:47 EDT 2009

Dear Selena, I am delighted to hear that the surgery your Dad had went so well.   What a relief for you both!    I can't believe it how quickly doctors can do this sort of operation and then send a patient home next day!   Isn't medical technology marvellous these days?

I hope your Dad will take care of himself - I think he's probably got to do a lot of walking for rehabilitation now doesn't he?

Happy wheeks, squeaks, rumbles & cuddles
Julie and her darling boys - Wheeky, Sooty, Snowdrop, Joey, Kimba, Treacle, Hugo, Honey & Hamish
{remembering my darlings - Donald, Brandy, Archie, Dougall, Teddy & Muppet, forever in my heart and soul - desperately & despairingly missed)

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