[Gpdd] Health UTI

Julie Juwles Johnson juwles at bigpond.com
Tue Apr 6 01:08:10 EDT 2010

Hi Ann

I recently had a boy piggy with UTI (his wee had red colouring, so maybe it was normal for a boy).   Anyway, I looked up the Peter Gurney website, and I own his book Piggy Potions, and one antidote is giving 5ml of cranberry juice 3 times a day for 3-4 days.    That cleared the coloured wee, but as I said, maybe he didn't have a UTI.  I didn't give him antibiotics, wanting to try the more natural approach first.

I would look up Peter Gurney's website - there is heaps of valuable information there.

Good luck,
Julie + "The Magnificent 7"

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