grace ramp gracetheface at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 8 14:33:02 EST 2010

A friend bought a guinea pig from a pet store and found out she was pregnant when she had a litter of four.  My friend can't keep any of them and I already have 5 with no room for any more.  She is talking about giving them to a pet store which I really don't want to happen.  I don't know the sex of any of them, but if anyone is in the Tri-State area of New York/New Jersey/Connecticut I would be more than happy to bring one or more to you for adoption.  Please think about it.  
And on the good news side, Gus went to the vet yesterday for a nasty chest cold.  I was afriad it might be pneumonia (which carried off poor Oreo) but it is just a cold.  She is on an antiboitic which I had to fight her to take last night and this morning, but I got it in her.  
If you would like to discuss adoption, my email is gracetheface at yahoo.com
Grace, Gus, Rusty, Babe, Sugar and Peanut (with Oreo and the Porkster at the Bridge)


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