[Gpdd] Health: Kinjaroo, stones, gastric stasis and massage

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Mon Jan 18 18:24:13 EST 2010

Dear GPDD Family,

Kinjaroo who underwent stone removal surgery on the 6 of January 2010 is 
doing just fine. She still has two sutures that need to dissolve before 
she can rejoin her friends in the caviary. I have been very fortunate 
that throughout her ordeal she has never stopped eating or drinking or 
weeking for treats every time we pass by her C&C pen. Since my last post 
I have been asked several questions regarding the use of the Niagara 
Cyclo Massage pad.

I was asked if the Niagara Cyclo massage therapy pad could be used for 
gastric stasis or bloat. I presented this question to Vedra 
Stanley-Spatcher of the Cambridge Cavy Trust and British Association of 
Rodentologists who has operated a cavy hospital for over 30 years. 
She said that yes it can be used for cavies suffering from gastric 
stasis or bloat in conjunction with simethicone, metoclopramide and in 
severe cases a stomach tube may be needed to release the trapped gas. 
Vedra said that the cavy should be put on the Cyclo massage pad starting 
at the lowest speed and working up to the highest speed and back down to 
the lowest speed over 20 minutes. This can be repeated 3 to 4 times a 
day if needed. The massage pad is the size of a standard bed pillow. I 
use the pad daily to help prevent the formation of bladder stones. I put 
  Kinjaroo in a snuggle sack and place her on the massage pad. I then 
operate it as described above. Kinjaroo calmly sits throughout her daily 
massage sessions. Once again I must emphasize that a Niagara Cyclo 
massage pad be used. Reconditioned ones with a warranty can be purchased 
from http://www.niagaracyclomassage.com/. I have also seen them for sale 
on the USA, UK and Australian Ebay sites. I bought mine on Ebay. Vedra 
does not have any experience in using the massage pad to prevent stasis 
or bloat since patients arrive at the Guinea Pig Hospital already with 
these conditions. However, she did mention that cavy patients that are 
hospitalized for a long time are routinely placed on a Cyclo massage 
pad. This treatment helps sick cavies heal faster and have a reduced 
need for medication. I hope you find this information helpful.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Tampa Florida USA.

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