[Gpdd] GPDD (Rainbow Bridge) (Providence)

Ellen Garrison lola.garrison at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 01:11:23 EDT 2010

Dear ME, and GPDD family,

Please accept my condolences regarding your dear little Providence.  May she
now be with her loved pigs at the Rainbow Bridge.  I think of the little
animals in my life as gifts from God, and even the big animals, too.
 Though they are not with us forever in the material world, they bring so
much joy and comfort into our lives, touching human souls.  They are truly
pure, positive energy.
 It is better to have loved them than to never have had them around in
life.  The way I see it is, it is a service to them. Yes, I am a guinea pig
slave.  They have blessed us with their presence, and that we will see them
again in rainbow bridge brings a sigh of relief.  It is not so much for
myself that I have them around; they are with me because I can care for
them.  The innocent who depend on humans...there are many.
May you always have someone or something that lets you know you matter, you
are loved, and that your care is appreciated.
Ellen, Precious Piggies, and Bunny Darla and Chin Fugly, (who is going on
his first trip to the vet next week for a check up)

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