[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT: Rainbow Bridge: Teddy, Tex, Johnnie, Randy, and Sir Edward

Glynis Robson Glynis at garnay.com.au
Fri Sep 2 01:50:14 EDT 2011

Oh noooooo this is so very very sad............. Please pass on our
RIP Teddy, Tex, Johnnie, Randy and Sir Edward, run free at the bridge
together, popcorn thru the lush green grassy meadows and enjoy nibbling
on sweet dandelions and clover, you'll all be so very very sadly missed
by your lovely rescue mom and friends, but you'll NEVER EVER be
forgotten xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
)))))))))))))) and loads of loves from Glynis, Velvet and Onyx
Five little stars now twinkling in the sky ..............  :o(
Thanks ME for letting us know..... tell her whee all understand her loss
Glynis, Velvet and Onyx (in mem Sully and Duke) xxxx 

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