[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT: Tommy the budgie :(

Glynis Robson Glynis at garnay.com.au
Sun Feb 26 18:37:37 EST 2012

I have to sadly announce that our budgie Tommy 4 years 3 months has
passed away.
He's been thru a lot ...... woke up lame one day late last year and i
nursed him for 5 weeks giving him one drop of metacam and massaging his
little leg.  He rallied and was able to move around and fly again.  He
never quite learnt how to wash himself again, so i'd spray him with
water on hot days.....he used to even walk up and down his perch waiting
for me to do it.
He then just didn't seem himself and had trouble with poops so i'd clean
him and put vaseline on his little butt to help.
He was beautiful bright green and yellow, Australian colours!  He had a
beautiful voice and was such a little character.  I have a few videos of
him and some pics which i'll always treasure.
RIP Tommy fly free little man..... i'm so sorry
Glynis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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