[Gpdd] HEALTH: Tundra

Glynis Robson Glynis at garnay.com.au
Thu Nov 29 20:03:13 EST 2012

Dear Carol and Tundra,
Whee have just caught up on Tunda's health :-(
Mega healing vibes for little Tundra from the girls and I
Sounds like your vets are going to try their best!
And OMG sounds like Tundra was just meant to belong to you both :-)
The girls said they'd love to help push Tundra around, tho Onyx insists
she should lead as she's
worried where he might end up if Velvet pushed (she being blind!) 
Piggie kisses and gentle little nose rubs and cuddles from us all
Glynis, Velvet and Onyx (in mem Sully and Duke) xxxx

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