[Gpdd] HEALTH: Persistent diarrhea

GARY HESS joanhess4 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 1 15:46:09 EDT 2012

Just a thought on Sooty's condition. There's a horse product falled Foreco. It's a mix of prebiotics which create a suitable environment in the gut for healthy flora. I've seen it treat severe diarrhea in a young cockatiel, no doubt saving its life. I had a mare colicking (a serious, often life-threatening gut condition), and started feeding her as much as she could eat of the stuff. By the time the vet came, she was okay. I know people use it on dogs and cats, and even on themselves.
There's a similar product called Platinum. I remember a GPDDer talking about it curing a severe digestive disturbance. I was so impressed, I bought some, but can't for the life of me remember the dosage.
With best wishes for Sooty's recovery,

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