[Gpdd] CARE: Antibiotics

Lynn Williams mlwilliams at clear.net
Tue Feb 12 13:28:50 EST 2013

Hi Joni,

I must have missed your original post about Speedway and the TMS.  I hope he is coming along well and feeling chipper again.  One of the follow up posts, I think from Penny, mentioned an antibiotic you can get over the counter to treat the UTIs.  Can someone tell me if that is true here n the US as well?  Last bnnight, to my dismay, I heard the squeal again and this time, I was holding Callie so I know for a fact it was Eve making the noise.  I really don't want to spend another $200 to have the exotics vet tell me what I already know.  There's not going to be enough of this Baytril to administer it to Eve for a full week.  I am wondering if I were to call the vet, if they could call in a prescription to 1 800 pet meds.  I know they are much cheaper on their medical stuff and have free delivery as well.  I am going to call the vet's office today and ask them if I can bring in a urine sample for Eve and just let them run  a urinalysis on that, thus avoiding the added expense of an office vfisit.  I don't want y'all to get the wrong idea... I am willing to pay for vet care and have done so happily in the past but that $200 bill  I received just  to have this vet tell me she really didn't know whaat was the problem but we would try the meds and see if it helped was a bit much for me.  I also mistakenly asked her to go ahead and clip Callie's toenails while she had her, thinking it would be no big deal... $18 on the bill.  Unfortunately, this is the only vet anywhere that I can find that traets pigs so I'm kind of stuck with her and the male doctor.  Actually, I like him better and will make sure he is there the next time before I go back.  At any rate, thanks to the message from Sandra, I did get the Bene-bac and will start it as soon as it arrives.  I am also thinking of starting both girls on a daily regiment of cranberry juice.  Any idea as to how much I should give them?  

Thanks for all of your patience and wonderful help,
A very concerned Lynn 

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