[Gpdd] Misc: Remembering Past piggys

Ann Evans ann.evans at hintlink.com
Sun Nov 3 18:47:06 EST 2013

Dear Audrey,

You have a wonderful way of remembering the piggys in your life. I often 
think that I am foolish because I cry over piggys that I only knew for a 
few hours. Or I remember the anniversary of the death of a friend's 
piggy and I begin to cry. I also have a banana garden which is the final 
resting place of many a client's piggy. And then there have been so many 
of my own piggys that have crossed over the bridge. But even though I 
shed these tears, I feel my life has been made so much fuller by the 
love and the fond memories the piggys gave me. I totally understand that 
at this time you have far too many responsibilities to be able to be 
caring for piggys. You are very wise to know your limits. You are lucky 
that you have a friend that shares piggy love and cuddles with you. 
Maybe in the future the time will be right for you to have piggys of 
your own.


Ann and the Rescued Piggys of Piggyville, Tampa Florida USA.

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