grace ramp gracetheface at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 7 12:23:29 EST 2015

       First let me express my sincere condolences to all of you who have lost a beloved piggy.  I now have 4.  Two of them were from the pet store because I couldn't get to a rescue.  They have lived together happily for about 2 years now.  I wanted more pigs so I went on line and found 2 rescue girls.  They had been living together comfortably in their previous home so when I got them to my apartment, I put them together.  Big mistake.  They began fighting.  I tried to pair them up with the older two and that didn't work,  I have tried every combination I can think of but when I put any two of them together it is really bad.  I now have four really large cages in my living room.  I would love to be able to remove some of the side panels from the cages and have one really really big cage for them but I'm afraid of the viciousness of their fighting.  I have all the cages abutting each other so they can see, hear and smell each other.  I thought that might do the trick, but no luck.  Does anyone have any suggestions how I can get them to tolerate each other?  They are all girls.

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