julie johnson juliejohnson12 at bigpond.com
Sat Jul 11 21:33:02 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone,


Thank you for your lovely, kind, and sympathetic words after my loss of


You remember I said I would never have another piggy again......well.... I
miss piggies.   I want something cuddly, fluffy or furry to snuggle up with.
What I really would love to do, but I'm sure my health would be able to let
me cope with doing it - I would love to take rescue piggies and give them a
happy home and know they are loved for however long their life will be.


There's no vets around here who know anything about piggies.   Are there any
Australian GPDD members who have a specialist piggy vet, somewhere?
Does anyone know if the Cambridge Cavy Trust still holds courses on cutting
piggies' teeth without using anaesthesia??    Are there any "students" of
Vedra's who happen to live downunder in Australia?  I want to learn myself,
as  I couldn't run a rescue without finding a professional piggy vet. 


Desperately missing piggies

Julie x

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