[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Sugar

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 6 11:01:30 EDT 2022

Susan, we are very saddened to hear that Sugar passed away. We agree with you that at her age surgery was too risky, but it is great that she continued to enjoy life despite a mass in her uterus. She was lucky she had you to keep such a good watch on her, and she certainly knew how much she was loved. We are so sorry that your regular vet was unable to see her when she developed diarrhea and was in pain, but thankfully the emergency vet could help her to the Bridge and you were able to be with her as she left this world. Although it might not be much comfort at the moment, Sugar definitely had a good lifespan for a guinea pig (though they are never with us long enough). Please accept our condolences on her passing.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their families.
Cindy, Scottie, Coke, and Fitz

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