[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: RE: condolences, Shine the Hamster

Leah McNeil lconsuela at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 17 16:17:05 EDT 2022

Dear Cindy, Scottie, Coke, and Fitzgerald,Thank You so much for your Warm Condolences for my Beloved Shine. And also forthe Hearty Welcome for the Professor (a.k.a. Petey)! I truly do miss Shine so much andI am still shocked how such a small, little creature can have such a BIG Personalityand bring so much Love and Joy. One of the main reasons I 'downsized' to Hamstersis because I was suffering so much with my allergies when I was a Slave to the Piggies.So, having a much smaller cage with less bedding, etc. is better for my health, but I willAlways be a Guinea Pig Lover and Advocate!! And Petey is already coming along andbeing such a FUN, little Ham with his Silly antics. He's in his Wild 'Teenage' Years rightnow so he's keeping me on my toes. I'm just Happy to Serve him and will do whateverit takes to keep that Ham satisfied (and to keep my ankles from being bitten! LOL!!).So, THANKS Again and be sure to give your Sweeties some Hammie Hugs from Peteyand me!!
                                   Love 'n Wheeeeeeps, Leah & Petey :)

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