[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: RE: condolences, Shine the Hamster

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 19 11:59:14 EDT 2022

Leah and Petey, you are so right about how amazing it is that such small creatures can have such big personalities and capture our hearts completely! Shine is so lucky to have had you, and now Petey is lucky, as he certainly knows by now.
How cute that Petey is in his teenage years and keeping you busy. You will have to tell us more about his hamster antics!
We're glad that having an animal smaller than a guinea pig is helping your allergies, and we know you'll always have great love for piggies!
My boys thank you and Petey for the hammie hugs, and we send gp hugs to you and Petey.
Love to all piggies, people, and other special friends,
Cindy, Scottie, Coke, and Fitzgerald

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