[Gpdd] Health: Ritter update

Luita Spangler luitad at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Feb 3 12:55:36 EST 2023

Hello all, I wanted to give an update on little Ritter, who received such
good wishes from you all. Sad to say, he died at the very ripe old age of
nine. He was a piggie who just loved being alive - he had one severe
health crisis after another, but always fought back to a degree of health,
hugely enjoying his syringe feedings. At the end he had lost both his
bottom incisors, was nearly blind, had a permanent stent to drain a
recurring neck abscess, had seizures when stressed (like during vet
visits) and weighed only a pound, but he always made happy noises when I
picked him up for his frequent syringe feedings. He required intensive
care, and was worth every minute of it. I learned very much from him,
particularly how joyful a piggie can be in spite of health problems. Joy
in the face of illness has been an important lesson, since my partner was
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in October. We both have carried Ritter's
message with us, and are facing the future with courage and optimism.

Tilly and Milan (newly adopted from the German guinea pig rescue

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