[Gpdd] HEALTH: Ritter update

Rayna Alsberg rmalsberg at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 17:53:59 EST 2023

Dear Luita,

I was so sorry to hear of the passing of Ritter. Please accept my deepest
condolences. Nevertheless, 9 years is a very long life for a piggy. Despite
his many health issues, he must have been happy to be here, and trying his
best to stay with you. No doubt he appreciated all your good, loving care.

Also sending good thoughts and wishes as you go through the coming days
with your partner and the cancer diagnosis. Best to both of you.

Congratulations on your new piggy Milan. Lucky piggy, to find a forever
home with you.


Taffy, Sundae, Tosca, Carmen and Shakira, all in mem

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