[Gpdd] [Health] I'm at my wits end

Susan Eastin susan at boatlift.com
Fri Dec 12 13:56:45 EST 2003

There are certainly many others here with much more experience than I, but
just from a
generic/medical standpoint, probably the first thing to do would be to
eliminate most or all
these treats for a time, then re-introduce them one at a time to be sure
none of them is
either causing or contributing to problems.  It could be a combination of
some is too much.
You don't mention pellets or hay, I'm assuming you're feeding that.  Some of
these symptoms
sound to me like vitamin deficiencies - are they getting vitamins?  In their
water?  You might
change vitamins.  How are you cleaning their water bottle?  There might be
something lurking
in the bottle.  (I don't mean to sound critical, just trying to think of
things to try.)
What does your vet say?  You might consider seeing another vet for a second
opinion (I'd take
all the piggies in at once for a group check and consultation).

Best of luck to you all - hang in there, I'm sure the good folks here on the
digest will come
to your aid!  You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.
Warm hugs to all,
Susi and the Okie Piggies
  ~Snowy & CocoPuff

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