[Gpdd] RE:Annoucement

Dawnda Stricklen dawndastricklen at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 22 10:28:13 EST 2003

Congratulations Bethany on your two new girls. They
sound like good names for them. I have a black Abby
that I named Sabrina. 
I just found out that their is a shelter a little over
an hour away that has 4 guinea pigs. The last time I
looked the nearest shelter was 4 hours away and that
was out of the question. My husband said their was
plenty of guinea pigs that needed a home just as bad 5
minutes away in the pet store. I recently lost two of
guinea pigs and I might consider getting another one.
My family says I shouldn't because I have asthma now,
but I don't think I want to give up my pigs. 
Well I hope your new pigs stay happy and healthy!!

Dawnda Stricklen


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