[Gpdd] (SILLY) Poo Trail Trip

Stacy Harvey ckrtsqrl2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 15 18:35:36 EDT 2003

Please add my piggies to your list of travelers...
Max, Gizmo, Willie and Oscar need to be in Boar's
Class--but please don't seat Gizmo and Max together,
as they have been lifelong enemies (not sure why!).
Willie and Oscar can sit together as they are already
Maxine and Teddy are in Sow's class, and would like to
be seated near other sows who like to talk--these two
are a bit gossipy. Serendipity, being the little Diva
that she is, insists on sitting in first class. She's
paying her own fare, so who am I to argue? I'm just
the slave...
Stacy & the Squee Squad

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