[Gpdd] Re: Health-----Worried about my new little piggy!!

Skye skye_traveler at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 28 17:21:03 EDT 2003

For S. Woodruff:

Well, it's a big adjustment for a piggie who is used to being in with a lot of
other piggies, to suddenly have no piggies at all, not to mention an entirely
different environment, lighting, cage, and so on. Getting another pig would
give her company, but you have to keep in mind that not all piggies make good
"roomies" and are able to share the same cage without major squabbles. Another
thing to consider is to be very, very sure if you *DO* get her a companion
piggie, that the piggie is the same gender, or you may get some surprises you
aren't expecting! LOL! Also, sometimes we had piggies who didn't make good
roomies, but talked to each other a lot in neighboring cages and would play
together in floor play time, which was "neutral territory." I've read of people
having just one piggie, but they spend a lot of time with their piggie, too,
with a lot of handling and so on. We currently only have one piggie because his
"neighbor" (they didn't get along, both males, so had a separate cage for each,
but next door to each other) died. He seems to be happy; I talk to him a lot;
he purrs back; we handle him a lot and have "lap time" and play time on the
floor with boxes and tunnels from him to run through and around. He is thriving
health wise and is affectionate and sweet, too. It depends on the personality
of both piggie and humans, I think. :D Good luck! 

Hope this helps! :D

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