[Gpdd] Health: Cats and declawing

Algernon07 at aol.com Algernon07 at aol.com
Sat Jan 10 00:18:14 EST 2004

       I'm beginning to understand the declawing issue. I had no idea it 
damanged little kitty paws. My cat's vet must be exceptional. Every toe is 
prefectly formed and defined, tho I have seen bad work, have known of surgeries to 
needed to be redone, etc. --  now that I understand what was being discussed. 
Actually, I generally didn't recognize bad work as such unless it was 
       My cat was declawed when I acquired him -- all the way around -- but 
this explains why I marvel at every perfectly formed little kitty toe. However, 
with claws "Slash" would probably be a fitting name for him. I think he has a 
multiple personality disorder -- 90% incredibly lovable and gentle -- 10% 
pure killer cat. Even as is , he would main or kill one of the piggies within a 
minute or less given the opportunity. Incredibly strong paws, etc. We are very 
careful around here.

Glad for the insight.


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