[Gpdd] [MISC] piggies at work

Brian Hanly bhanly at clear.net.nz
Wed Mar 10 21:11:02 EST 2004

Some folk might be interested to hear every now and again how my piggies are
incorporated into our organic garden.  Today for example, I weeded out one
of the beds then laid several sheets of plain black newsprint over it.  I
then emptied out the entire contents of the boys' apartments, kiln dried
pine with beans and wee in it, left over veges and hay.  Spread it out and
watered it.  Now this mix will use nitrogen from the soil as it breaks down
so I added chopped up comfrey leaves that I grow behind the compost heap for
just this sort of thing.  I then covered it up with a piece of fleece.  This
will break down well leaving the bed ready for planting in spring.  It will
be composted and full of worms.  No need for fertiliser.


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