[GPDD] [Care] females rumblestrutting

Renee Roszkowski rrgallop44 at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 24 21:43:32 EST 2004

My two girls rumblestrut around each other a lot. They will also mount
each other periodically. I think that it has to do with their
reproductive cycle. They seem to cycle about every 2 weeks. (the piggie
cycle is about 16 days long) They go through a day or two of
rumblestrutting and mounting each other a lot, along with chasing each
other around. Then they will be fine for around another 2 weeks, with
the occasional chase or rumblestrut. They will also do this to try to
decide who is the boss of the cage. As long as these things aren't
escalating into fighting or biting, I wouldn't worry about them. That's
normal piggie behavior. :-) It's pretty funny to watch though. :-)

Renee, Mary and Molly, Patches, Kate and Dora, Flash

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