[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: PigWheet has left the building

Tex texg at cavyinfo.com
Sat Dec 17 22:58:14 EST 2005

Thursday night at about 9:30 PM our sweet little PigWheet made her journey
Home. She was just a few weeks short of 6 - 1/2, and had been ailing for
the past year.

Despite her ovarian cysts, arthritis, bouts with UTIs and digestive
problems, she remained a happy and hungry! piggie.

She was a silly little Abyruvian that would make us smile just to look at
her; always a perpetual bad hair day. She really didn't like being held,
but would shower you with piggie kisses (soon turning to piggie nibbles) if
held her.

Most of all I will miss her happy little trill; whenever she got fed, or
rubbed, or sometimes for no reason at all she would make a little purr that
no other piggie we've had has ever done. Donna said to me last week I
should try 
and get a recording of her; I didn't, and now I deeply regret it.

I don't mean to spoil anyone's Christmas happiness, but I wanted everyone
to know.


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