[Gpdd] misc: Pignics, presents and stuff

Mary Fran McCluskey faststats at faststatschecks.com
Sun Jun 5 16:41:29 EDT 2005

Hellow to piggie pals and peoples!

Boy was I pigconfused when I got home from the 1st Annual GP Virtual Pignic.

My slave acted so weird when me and Cookie got back home. I thought she'd be glad to see us, but she was crying and hugging us and saying over and over " I was so worried about you, Brownie". And "Cookie I heard YOU had a really good time!"

Well I had a really good time too. We left in a big hurry cause Cookie wanted to get to the piggie salon for her makeover before meeting her pigfriend "Tex" Snowball for the first time.

So she ran off as soon as we got in the RV. I had never had anything like this happen to me before in all my years. I couldn't see any slaves at all, and there were so many young piggies wheeking and popcorning everywhere. All of the others seemed to know each other. I was alone among so many. It was like that TV show -- The Piglight Zone.

But once I found the food things started to get better. I made some nice quiet friends, had a lot of nice naps, and even enjoyed the beach trip (me and Cookies are beach piggies, you know).

When we got back, we moved to our new 1,000,000 sq-paw covered deck outside. Whee love it. And we got wood chews and treats from our piggy pals Will (from CANADA) and Canndi. We gave the chocolate to our slave because she's so special (and cause we don't like it).

Well, nap time again.

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