[Gpdd] Health: Pregnancy

Susi Eastin susiathome at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 18 10:46:57 EDT 2005


After reading these posts from Wendy 'down under' it makes me a bit nervous, as I haven't heard of this condition with the tremors. Of all my       pigs now, only 3 are sows, and only one is expecting - the youngest and smallest, Buzzerre. I had thought she would deliver before this just from      her size, but have no idea when she was actually bred (latest had to be     mid-April when Hotshot got sick). She is 2.6 lbs now and it's a squeeze          to get through the pigloo opening. I'm feeding her the fancy Mazuri (it          has some molasses in it) plus a bit of Calf Manna, otherwise she's           eating as usual, and with a good appetite.                                                           But can you explain this condition Wendy mentions?  Is it anything we  should be concerned about or prevent???  Do you think the other sow       went into premature labor from the stress of the first sow's tremors?

Thanks for any suggestions



guinea_pigs_society at yahoogroups.com
From:"Wendy Hill" <cavykama at bigpond.net.au>  Date:Wed, 18 May 2005 16:57:44 +0930 (Cen. Australia Standard Time)Subject: ...have you ever had a bad day?*sigh*...today I went to work, checked the pigs, everyone was fit, fat and sound..lol..but when I got home, I was hit with a double-Whammy....
2 months ago, I put a sow from tub A, into tub C with her breeding partner. (I have letters on Tubs, so I know who is who)Everything was fine.

A week into the sows pregnancy, my daughter comes in and says, 'Why have you put Flower in with Minty?'..I looked at her, raised an eyebrow, and said 'I had not put Flower in with anybody!'..(This sow suffered a Hypocalciemic (s/p) episode 5 days before whelping the only 2 litters she had. I then retired her.)...so she dragged me outside, and sure enough, instead of Lady Di going into the breeding pen, I had put Flower in there!!!! (They are both very alike.)
I just knew something would probably happen, 2 from 2 is not good odds with hypo sows, and today, sure enough, I came home from work, and find she is having an episode....then I also realised that the sow she was with had delivered her litter, 1 DOA, and 3 live, but weak pups! I grabbed Flower first, and I have stuffed her with tums and Pineapple juice.
 Then my attention turned to the pups of the other sow (Cookie). The 3 remaining pups look fragile and feel cold. I have wrapped them up and am keeping them warm in the pen with Cookie, but Cookie wants NOTHING to do with them..she has never done this before, she is usually a great Mum, so I am wondering if Flower's Hypo fit, has upset her into early delivery...she was due in about 4 days...and the babies are only about 1 and a half ounces in weight.
My hope is now, that Flower gets through these awful tremors, and then delivers healthy babies, thus allowing me to put Cookies babies with her..if they survive....
....ah...and so how was your day??????? Lol!>...

*****************Wed, 18 May 2005 18:52:05 +0930 (Cen. Australia Standard Time)Subject:Fw: ..and my day keeps getting worse...  
....sadly  2 of Cookies babies passed away, I actuallly tried to put them back with her, to try and coax her into feeding them, but she refused, and unfortunately they passed away. They were too small really, but you have to hope don't you. So she has one left, very small, but alive. 
...as for Flower, she is sitting next to me on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, munching on apple which is a good sign. But if I touch her, she has bad tremors still, so i will keep syringing in the tums and pineapple juice.....


Susi and the Okie Piggies

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