[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIGE: Oreo & Gary

Nichole Cook nicholecook at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 15 22:20:49 EDT 2006

It is with heavy heart
that I write in to tell of 
the passing of Oreo and
I haven't wrote in awhile,
but I do keep up on the 
digests, and have made 
some special gp & human
I went to feed and water
the pigs after school yesterday
and found Gary dead in his cage.
I am completely baffled because
Gary was a very healthy and 
spunky pig. I checked on all
the pigs after that and found Oreo 
had had a stroke. She couldn't eat, drink, 
walk or wheek..and it looked like
she had lost about half her body weight
in less than 24 hours. I tried syringe 
feeding her, but she couldn't swallow 
anything. I managed to get a little bit 
of water down her, but that was
all. I kept her with me all night, 
wrapped in a towel. She rested on
my chest all night, and whenever I would
move slightly she would try her hardest 
to get her face back next to mine.
It broke my heart, but I felt I had to put
her out of her misery, so I took her to the
vet right away this morning and had her put
to sleep. 
I will never forget either pig, I just hope
they are happy on the brige now with the
other babies there. Oreo was my princess
pig...and she had a friend on her named
Charlie...Alge's pig. 
Sorry for rambling so long, but like I said
I have a heavy heart right now, and just needed 
to get some out.
Condelences to everyone and everypig who 
has felt loss, and congrats to those who have
accomplished new things.
Oreo was pet of the day on June 9th, 2006.

Love and wheeks
Nichole and the mourning herd.

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