[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: condolences, Oreo and Gary

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Tue Aug 22 14:18:42 EDT 2006

Nichole and the mourning herd, it was with much sorrow that we read of your 
loss of Oreo and Gary, especially since their passings were so sudden and 
unexpected.  How sad that Gary left, despite seeming to be perfectly 
healthy, and then Oreo soon followed after having had a stroke.  It sounds 
as if they had decided to travel to the Bridge together.  We are so sorry 
that you were unable to pull Oreo from the brink, despite all of your best 
efforts.  Please know that she was comforted by your presence and that you 
did the right thing in helping her to the Bridge.  We send our 
condolences.  (P.S.  What a lovely piggie Oreo was as "Pet of the Day.")

Cindy, Sunshine, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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